Torlon PAI 4203, Tecator TI5013, 鉈龍, Polyamide-imide聚醯胺醯亞胺, Yellow-Ochre黃褐色
TORLON 4203 PAI offers the best toughness and impact strength of all TORLON PAI grade. Because of its intrinsic high temperature resistance, high dimensional stability and good machinability, TROLON 4203 PAI is very popular for precision parts in high-tech equipment. In addition, its good electrical insulating ability provides numerous possibilities in the field of electrical components.
TORLON 4203 PAI 是TORLON PAI中韌性和衝擊強度最佳的一種。因其固有的耐高溫、尺寸穩定性和良好的機械加工性能,TORLON 4203 PAI常用於高技術設備精密零件的製作。而且,由於其良好的電絕緣性,使之在電氣元件領域得到廣泛應用
★Very high max. allowable service temperature in air (250℃continuously)空氣中允許工作溫度很高(連續250℃)
★Excellent retention of mechanical strength, stiffness and creep resistance over a wide range of temperatures.在250℃溫度範圍內最好的尺寸穩定性
★Extremely low coefficient of linear thermal expansion up to 250℃優秀的耐磨和磨擦特性
★Excellent wear and frictional behaviour (particularly TORLON 4301 PAI). 突出的抗紫外線性能
★Inherent low flammability 優越的抗高性能輻射特性
★Exceptional resistance against high energy radiation 固有的低可燃性
★TROLON PAI有極易受各種化學破壞的缺點。蒸氣也將使該材料特性迅速降低。當需要再高溫下工作又特別需要化學性能和抗水解性能時,PEEK可能是理想材料
★由於TROLON PAI有相當高的吸濕性,如零件再高溫下工作或加工精度要求較高時,在安裝前應乾燥處理,如果潮濕而零件又迅速在200℃以上的環境下工作,將可能導致熱衝擊變形
產品種類:Torlon PAI 4203板,Torlon PAI 4203棒,Torlon PAI 4203薄膜薄板,Torlon PAI 4203 Ball球(滾珠)