產品介紹 /
Vespel SP-1, Meldin® 7001, Tecalor, Polyimide聚酰亞胺, Wheat土黃色
Vespel SP-1(PI), Meldin 7001This is the unfilled base resin which provides maximum physical properties and best electrical and thermal insulation.
Vespel SP-1(PI)這是一種無填充的機料樹脂,提供最好物理特性和最佳的電絕緣和隔熱性。常被用於製造高溫環境下的閥座、密封件、絕緣件等
VESPEL parts made from DuPont SP-polyimide offer a combination of properties that allows them to excel in applications requiring low wear and long life in harsh environments. Consequently, VESPEL SP parts are put to use for very demanding applications in the automotive, aerospace, aviation, defence, electrical, glass, nuclear and semiconductor industries.
VESPEL SP製成的零件綜合性能好,保證他們在極惡劣的環境下滿足低磨損和長壽命的使用要求。所生產的零件被廣泛使用在汽車、航空、核能和半導體等產業
★Extremely high max allowable service temperature in air (SP-1: 240℃ continuously, with short term excursions up to 450℃)空氣中最大允許工作溫度極高(SP-1可在240溫度下持續工作,短時間可高達450℃)
★Excellent retention of mechanical strength, stiffness and creep resistance over a wide range of temperatures在較大的溫度變化條件下,出色的保持機械強度和剛性
★Good sliding properties and excellent wear resistance.良好的滑動和出色的耐磨性
★Very good dimensional stability.良好的尺寸穩定性及非常低的線性膨脹係數
★Inherent low flammability.固有的低可燃性
★Good electrical insulating and dielectric properties (only applies to SP-1).優異的絕緣及介電特性(針對SP-1)
★Extremely high ionic purity level (SP-1).處於離子污染的環境下極高的純度
★Excellent resistance against high energy radiation.出色的抗高能量輻射(r射線和x射線)
產品種類:SP-1板/Meldin7001板,SP-1棒/Meldin7001棒,Vespel SP-1管
★VRSPEL SP呈現出適度的化學性能和抗水解性。當與沸水或蒸氣接觸時,材料迅速脆化和性能降低
The Physical data contained in this table are typical values. They are obtained on the test specimens under specific conditions and represent average values of a large number of tests. The result obtained on this test specimen cannot be applied to finished parts without reservations, as behavior is influenced by processing and shaping. Reproduction only with our declared permission