SUPER S1000, Sumika Super S1000, 部分應用上可替代Vespel SP-1(PI), Brown棕色
Sumitomo Chemical produces this wholly aromatic polyester family of super heat-resistant engineering plastics. Super S1000 series has an operational temperature of 260° C and thermal resistance far exceeding that of other conventional engineering plastics. This material will not melt down or deform its shape even at 400° C. It is easy to process (milling, drilling) and it is a suitable material for manufacturing parts requiring tight tolerances, such as those needed to produce IC Test Sockets and Nests.
Thermal Properties熱學特性:
★Continuous use to 260° C連續使用溫度260℃
★Short term use to 400° C 短時間在400℃的使用可能
★Low coefficient of linear expansion線膨脹係數很小
★Very good dimensional stability尺寸穩定性好
Mechanical Properties機械特性:
★Excellent mechanical properties, even at elevated temperatures高溫階段也有好的機器特性
★Creep Resistant低潛變性
★Excellent wear & friction resistance (S1330 grade).黑鉛填充等級(S1330),表現出色的摩擦·耐摩耗性
Chemical Properties耐化學特性:
★High Purity金屬離子等的雜質極少
★Moisture resistance ten times greater than polyimide吸水率比聚酰亞胺系樹脂更低(PI, Polyimide)
★Dimensional stability even when exposed to moisture潮濕有水的環境下尺寸變化很小
★Resistant to organic solvents and oils有機溶劑和油類完全不侵犯
★Flame resistant & even when ignited, major component is CO2.難燃燒性,燃燒的時候發揮氣體的主要成分是二氧化碳
★Easily machined to tight tolerances切削的時候毛邊粉削很少,可細微精密加工
★Stability allows for tight tolerance microfabrication.Clean cutting surface, will not mel加工的時候高熱不會產生溶融,切削的平面相當平整完美
產品種類:SUPER S1000板,SUPER S1000棒
★Sumika Super S1000 is an excellent optional to replace expensive Vespel ® Sockets & Nests.部分IC插槽等用途,建議可採用S1000取代因為Vespel SP系列價格過於昂貴的缺點
★歡迎點選"產品特性表"比較S1000和Vespel SP-1各種特性資料