PPE(PPO), Noryl, Polyphenylenether聚苯醚, Grey淺灰色
Polyphenylenether belongs to the group of the amorphous materials and can be used in temperatures ranging from -50 °C to +105 °C. PPO exhibits a high impact strength and a very high dimensional stability. The electrical
properties will not be influenced by the surrounding frequencies and therefore can be used in a lot of applications in electrical engineering.
用聚苯乙烯加強的聚苯醚屬於定型材料,其工作溫度約為-50 °C到+105 °C。它具有高沖抗韌性,低吸水性,很高的尺寸穩定性以及不易發生蠕變。它的電氣性能基本上不受加載的頻率影響,由此可廣泛用於電氣領域中
★high dimensional stability 高尺寸穩定性
★low tendency to creep 低蠕變
★high thermal stability 耐熱不變形
★high impact strength 高沖抗擊韌性
★good electrical characteristics over a far frequency range 寬頻率範圍內的良好電氣性能
★high resistance to hydrolysis 不易水解
★self-extinguishing 可自熄滅
★Parts for electrical engineering and household utensils, shafts, gear wheels,etc..電氣工業用絕緣件,滑輪和嵌齒輪等