產品名稱 /
PETP,Polyethylene/ Polybutylene Terephthalate聚對苯二甲酸
產品介紹 /
PETP, PET超鋼龍, Arnite, Crastin, Polyethylene/ Polybutylene Terephthalate聚對苯二甲酸, White白色/Black黑色(By order訂製品)
Polyethylene terephthalate shows high tensile and mechanical strength, hardness and toughness, low friction and a high dimensional stability. PETP may be used at temperatures ranging from -40 °C to +110 °C.
PETP堅硬,剛度好,強度高,有韌性,摩擦係數小,尺寸穩定性高。其工作溫度大約-40 °C到+110 °C之間。一般來說,作成薄膜時很強韌,其透光度很好(可達88%),在低溫(-196 °C)依然可以保持柔軟
★high mechanical resistance and tensile strength 高強度高剛性
★high surface strength 高表面強度
★high dimensional stability 尺寸穩定性高
★high toughness 高蠕變強度
★low coefficient of friction 低摩擦係數
★low wear and tear 耐磨強度好
★high chemical resistance 化學穩定性好
★easy to varnish and polish 易油漆
★good electrical insulating properties 電氣絕緣性好
☆limited dielectric properties 缺點是介電性能一般
☆sensitive to hydrolysis 會受水解影響
The Physical data contained in this table are typical values. They are obtained on the test specimens under specific conditions and represent average values of a large number of tests. The result obtained on this test specimen cannot be applied to finished parts without reservations, as behavior is influenced by processing and shaping. Reproduction only with our declared permission