PEI, ULTEM1000, Polyetherimide聚醚酰亞胺, Amber琥珀色
Polyetherimide has a high mechanical strength in coordination with a good chemical and heat resistance (up to +170 °C), good dimensional stability and creep resistance. Its under the thermoplastics singular torque strength permits the economical substitution of machining fabricated small parts from steel.
ULTEM® PEI除了有極佳的高機械性能,還擁有極佳的耐熱及化學穩定性(連續使用溫度大約170度),以及高尺寸穩定性和抗蠕變強度。其在熱塑塑料中獨一無二的抗扭強度,使其成為小型鋼製切銷零件的廉價替代品
★very high strength and rigidity極高強度高剛性
★high torque strength and hardness高抗扭強度和高硬度
★high thermostability高受熱不變形能力
★high weatherability不受天氣條件限制
★high radiation resistance能忍受射線照射