PEEK Ceramic, Ceramic Filled陶瓷添加, CeramaPEEK, TECAPEEK CMF, White白色
PEEK Ceramic is a proprietary ceramic-filled PEEK compound created to meet the requirements for tight tolerance, high frequency IC chip socket test fixtures.
PEEK添加陶瓷是一種屬於專利的最新材質,專門提供半導體製程產業、高精密極小公差的加工需求和高頻IC的插口測試裝置等用途,目前僅有CeramaPEEK和TECAPEEK CMF兩個專利品牌可以製造,可供應之尺寸則不相同。
★outstanding thermal stability更卓越的熱穩定性
★very good hardness and rigidity表面硬度及強度佳
★good machinability, very low burring加工性能良好,不易產生毛邊和粉削
★low water absorption吸水性極低
★good corrosion resistance抗化學腐蝕性
★high thermal resistance耐高溫
★good dielectric properties介電性能佳
產品種類:PEEK Ceramic陶瓷板